The deck-house of «Kursk»


The deck-house of a nuclear submarine “Kursk” which went down in the Barents Sea and is a part of the memorial complex “To seamen, died in the time of peace”. It is situated near the Church of the Savior on the waters. The monument was opened on the 26th of July 2009 in a day of the Naval Fleet. The nuclear submarine “Kursk” went down in the Barents Sea on the 12th of August 2000 after the explosion on broad during preparation for conventional torpedo attack. All 118 people, who were on the broad, died. In 2001 the submarine was took up from the sea floor as a result of large-scale international operation and they delivered it to the plant in Roslyakovo settlement, and after that they forward it to Snezhnogorsk town for further utilization. The only part that was left and saved is the deck-house of the submarine.